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The Team

Our founder was born in Barcelona, ​​Spain and have loved food since his childhood. He gave up on his dream of becoming a professional chef because of his parents' opposition. The passion for food and ingredients made him travel to explore the world's gastronomy at early age exposing him to the culinary culture of each country and region, accumulating the most touching and happy experiences. In 2015, El Colmado Melbourne was established in Australia as a bridge connecting people who eat and create food with unique experiences. In 2020, El Colmado Japan GK was established in Tokyo as a hub for the Asia Market.

We sincerely look forward to meeting new customers while maintaining the trust of our existing customers. Thank you for your continued support of El Colmado.

創業者はスペインのバルセロナ出身で幼少期から食べる事が大好きで、両親の反対が有りプロの料理人になる夢は諦めましたが、その後20個国に渡り世界の美食を探訪しました。各国,各地のガストロノミー(美食学)に触れ、この以上無い感動や幸せ体験を積み重ねて参りました。得難い経験を糧に食べる人と作る人を繋ぐ架け橋として、2015年にEl Colmado メルボルンをメルボルンに設立し、2020年にアジアの処点としてEl Colmado Japan 合同会社を東京に設立しました。既にお付き合いの有るお客様との信頼を守りながら、さらに新しいお客様と出会える事を心から楽しみにしております。どうぞEl Colmado を末永くご愛顧いただくお願い申し上げます。


+81 (0)3 6908 7526


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